Remember this?
It really was a great idea at the time -- winter, kids in school, a little spare time. I diligently tidied the linen closet and made an inventory of the freezer. 15 minutes made a difference. Then: some extra work, late night play rehearsals & early morning homework, and 15 minutes was hard to come by. I still have the jar on my desk -- for next winter.
I've often wondered how much time I could reclaim by simply staying up later. This is in direct contrast to The Happiness Project, where the author determines she'll have more energy by getting more sleep. I'm pretty good already in the sleep department, maybe it's time to stay up late one night every week or two, just to give some order to my chaos.
As soon as I had this revelation, I went to my scribbled list of things I want to get to -- things that fit with my overall priorities, that will help make the rest of my day flow more smoothly, but at the same time tasks I enjoy and wish I had time for:
Update my idea file
Cut out & paint new reverse applique projects (so I'm all set for family movie night, when I can never keep my hands still)
Make school lunch desserts & freeze
Make gluten free treats to send my brothers (celiac disease runs in my family)
Make family stationery & pre-stamp some envelopes
Blogsurf (I need a couple of hours for The Happiness Project alone)
Create some new playlists
Most of these fit into my priorities in one way or another.
Do you have any systems that work for you? Or blogs you turn to for advice? My laundry system works (usually), my grocery system works (generally), my etsy system works (mostly). I would love to know what brings order to your chaos.
Great idea! How about:
1) donate unused/old clothing, etc
2) read
3) call a friend you haven't spoken to recently
4) water the lawn/plants
5) wash the car
Please contact me via email with your list (up to 30 items) + mailing address, and I will write out the slips for you: gina {at} sekelsky {dot} com. If I don't hear from the winner by Friday at noon, I'll move on to the next random name.
Here are six things I'm going to add to my own jar, based on your suggestions in the comments. (There are many other worthy ideas, just not things I personally need to make a priority right now. And some things I do regularly anyway, such as going through my underwear drawer. I'm also trying to make my jar somewhat balanced between chores, physical activity, and creative pursuits. And since I had been working on my list for a bit before writing my post, I had several of your ideas in the jar already, such as writing a letter, reading, or planning a week of meals.)
*clean out the car
*do something unexpected for someone else
*purge old coupons
*call an old friend
*compile a new playlist
*clean the underside of the fridge
I am really jealous of people who only need six hours of sleep a night. I'm a nine-hour-a-night girl!