I am the mom who dreads the first day of school, the end of the summer mayhem, the impending piles of homework. And yesterday turned out pretty good, actually. I can feel myself adjusting to the new schedule already, and I dug deep to find a potentially creative solution to a disappointing school issue. F. is a bright-eyed second grader ("my favorite time of day is 7:00 am") and J. is in her last year at Dowling (5th grade). We're on our way.
Towards the end of summer last year, the kids made these clipboards for their homework, permission slips, etc. They have heavy duty magnets on the back so we can keep them on the fridge. (Sometimes they get too heavy and slide off, annoying all of us and scratching the door. Obviously, the best resolution here is less homework.)
awesome solution! making such pretty clipboards would inspire anyone to keep track of their paperwork!
Posted by: sosser | Sep 06, 2008 at 04:34 PM