I have been keeping scrapbooks for as long as I can remember. I have one from grade school with art projects & girl scout badges; one from my high school trip to France, my semester abroad in college, my honeymoon.
Sometime in the mid to late 90's, making scrapbooks became scrapbooking. I jumped on board (paper! color! writing!). It wasn't long before I had to make the process my own. As you may know, a major theme with me is not overcreating, not making too much stuff, and being sure that what I do make has meaning. And I believe there is something inherently wonderful in keeping scrapbooks (er, scrapbooking). I know it each time I look through an album: it feels right to me -- as long as I can do it on my terms.
Have you thought about starting a scrapbook? Do you have a few albums, but need a little motivation? That's what October is all about! Here are a few things to think about until tomorrow:
Which scrapbooking box are you in?
I'm supposed to do it.
I have to make works of art.
I have to use every photo.
I have to tell every story.
I don't know where to start.
I don't have anything to say.
I'm not crafty.
It takes too much time.
Do any of these statements resonate for you? I have many ideas to share with you this month, but always love collaborating best: what's on your mind when it comes to scrapbooking?
My box: I have to finish what I've started - "telling every story". I've been scrapping since 1998, but have scrapbooks containing EVERY birthday card I've ever rec'd.
Keep your wonderful tips coming!
Posted by: Susanna Strand | Oct 01, 2008 at 12:47 PM