A silly start to Friday...but it's true, right? If you haven't read Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon, pop over to the library and get yourself a copy. (It's perfect if you're behind on the Summer Reading Program, since you can read the whole thing in about 30 minutes, and still have no trouble coming up with content for a review.) It's fairly simple stuff, but I dare you to read the whole thing and not find something that resonates with you. For me, I'd been thinking about how much time I spend on the computer these days vs. how much time I used to spend doing hands-on art. Kleon suggests having a digital workspace and an analog workspace. Perfect and timely advice for me, as I'm in the giddy stage of planning a **new** studio, daydreaming about where and how I want to work. (And a big thank you here to Susanna, for getting the ball rolling with a scale drawing of my new digs!)
Thanks for the shout out!
And one of these days I WILL check out all your great reading recommendations.
Posted by: Susanna | Jul 20, 2012 at 04:57 PM
Ooooo... New studio space! New work... I can't wait to haer all about it.
Posted by: gisele | Jul 25, 2012 at 09:07 AM