My beach read last week was Silver Sparrow by Tayari Jones, which was thought-provoking but not too taxing for spring break. The story is told in two sections, by two narrators, and you start the second part of the book prejudiced against that second narrator, but then learn to love her too. It's a compelling story, the kind that leaves you still wondering about the characters a few days after you've closed the book.
The link is for a review on Goodreads. Do you use Goodreads? I dutifully read their monthly email about what's new, but can't seem to get myself on board with using the site itself. It seems taylor-made for me, a reader and a diligent listmaker. If you use it, I'd love to know how and why.
I do use goodreads, mostly to chronicle the books I've read and the (many many) books I want to read. It's useful for searching half-over-heard titles or glimpsed-at-the-coffeeshop titles.
I almost never rate books, and I don't often care about what my friends on goodreads are reading. it's just a book diary of sorts, for me.
Posted by: amelia | Apr 10, 2013 at 08:30 AM