My handwriting, circa 1984:
You could say my love of handwriting began in 4th grade, with Mrs. Larson. I was, well, a little bit
chatty. The consequence for talking too much in class was writing out your spelling words 50 times each. I had that punishment, well, um, pretty much every week. And being a crafty girl, it didn't take me long to get bored writing the words in list format. So I drew pictures and filled them in with words instead of colors. I like to think that's when it all began, lemons from lemonade.
Fast forward to college, where I somehow managed to test into an advanced French class. One day and I was already way over my head. Meanwhile, my good friend Chris was taking a class called Crafts. I felt a bit guilty paying private school tuition for a class called Crafts, but on some level realized it was a perfect fit (or at least a considerably better fit than advanced French). We learned copper enameling, weaving, ceramics, and spent two weeks on Italic calligraphy. Chris and I both continued practicing our lettering during college. I tried different styles when writing quotes to hang on the door to my dorm room:
Fast forward again to my first job, as an elementary teacher. My bulletin boards featured quotes from Rilke and Gibran, my lesson plan book was color coded. The art of actually teaching...not so much.
Meanwhile, I met the man I eventually married. I contemplated what I would really do with my talents. I started a mail order garden journal business, I sold greeting cards to A Fine Romance, I designed calendars.
Peter proposed and I suggested we wait to get married until I had this career-thing figured out. He replied, "Why don't we get married right away, and then you'll have all kinds of time to figure it out?"
It was 1991. Invitation styles were extremely limited. I designed ours (or, rather, designed at least a dozen different options). A friend came to our wedding and asked me to design their invitation for the following spring. A friend at their wedding asked me to design for a fall wedding. I slowly realized this business could encompass all those things I enjoyed and was good at -- lettering, illustration, quotes, sometimes even sewing or beads or seeds (and even all of those at once!). Dreamland was born.
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